Tag Archives: Nginx

Migration completed!

As I told in the previous post, I expressed the will to try running this blog on HHVM. I started transferring from a normal shared hosting to  a very cheap VPS.

Obviously the infrastructure is really updated, in fact I installed HHVM, Nginx 1.5, MariaDB 10. HHVM, among PHP without opcache running on the shared hosting, really boosted WordPress performance. However, I was still unsatisfied.

So I decided to enable SSL on this site, surely not due to top-secret material showed on this site, but becouse this is a requirement to implement SPDY, an HTTP protocol evolution, developed by Google. This protocol enables to really decrease page latency.

I proceeded to refactoring the website, with the will to save everywhere kilobytes e reduce the number of resources to load. Google Pagespeed is really helpful in this situation. It optimizes in real-time all resources. Continue reading